Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Short arms...

So I've been complaining that my arms are getting shorter, that words are getting fuzzy up close, and all that. Well, I made an appointment to get my eyes examined. The great news is that I'm relatively normal. No glaucoma signs, which is good. The doctor did say that I have a slightly greater than normal loss of epiphilial cells on my cornea than someone my age should have, but nothing to really do about that. And the good news, I need new glasses! Bifocals! I haven't gone to the glasses store yet, but will soon. I'm not looking forward to adjusting for them, but I am looking forward to being able to see print without having to stretch out my arms.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Normally...this would be the time when I'd crack a joke to poke fun at you! :-)

But, since bifocals are in your brother's future as well, I'll let the jokes slide this time. hehehe