Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Speaking of Ginger...

It was harvesting time, since our temperatures are getting down to frost/Hard frost. I pulled all of the ginger roots out of the ground, and left the leaves for the hungry worms. I washed the dirt off the roots with rainwater, and watered the kale at the same time. I wound up with about a cookie sheet full of fresh, fragrant, delicious, ginger roots. Wow! These taste so good in oriental cooking! I may slice up some this weekend for making ginger candy.

I also pulled all of the sweet potatoes out. I would say that I was disappointed with the harvest there. I blame the drought we had, and general shady conditions in the yard. I think they would have done much better had we had steady rain all summer. We did get enough for a few meals, though.

I also found 2 more small acorn squashes as I was harvesting the sweet potatoes. That brings our acorn squash count up to 6! I plan to cook them this weekend. That should be yummy!

I haven't had much time, due to taking an intensive computer training course. I work all day on the computer at the course, then come home and surf the 'net and play with the family. Wednesday is different, as Mary is still at grad school, and the twins are over at their dad's house. And I'm here in the house by myself. James time.

I haven't heard from Kyle for quite some time. I drove down to see his high-school band perform at the end of October, but Kyle ignored me as he walked by. I guess it wasn't "cool" for him to acknowledge his dad while surrounded by his marching band friends. I had enjoyed the performance, based on the "Orient Express". They had a cute steam engine train on the field, that moved from "station" to "station" as the music changed. The marching was excellent, and they sounded great. Overall I think they were the best band there that day. I don't usually lament on how much I miss the kid Kyle used to be, now that his 16th birthday is approaching, it gets harder and harder. I just keep on loving the son he was, and hope that I will get to know the young man he has become. It is very hard not hearing from him though. Very hard.

Lastly, but definitely not leastly... My nephew Evan goes in for the first of 3 brain surgeries tomorrow. All of us here are pulling for him! The surgeries are supposed to correct his epileptic seizures, by removing a tuber that has grown and seems to be setting off the seizures. That seems to be the plan anyway. So if you would care to check out the progress, Lisa, Evan's mom, has this blog going to get the word out. Medical Maze. Best of luck and a very speedy recovery, Evan!

1 comment:

James said...

Thanks for the best wishes. Evan's first surgery seems to have gone well.

On the ginger, I just purchased some from the store, and stuck it in the ground, about an inch deep. The only catch is you have to bring it in before it freezes, as the cold kills it. Good luck next spring!