Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I will now thank the gods and goddesses of dentistry that there is so much good pain reliever out there now.

I had to get 3 "problem areas" worked on today. It seems that I had a couple of pits, and one filling that had failed, and had some decay underneath. So my dentist wanted to get that taken care of. I was in today for that procedure. I didn't feel any pain, but I sure did feel the high-pitched whine of that drill as it worked on that top tooth. I can't imagine what I would have felt had I not had that Novocaine.
Anyway, all is well, but now my right side of my jaw feels like it is drooling, even though I'm sure my mouth is closed. Very funny feeling. I have a bit of discomfort in my jaw from clenching, and I'm having to remind myself that I need to keep my teeth just far enough apart without opening my mouth (so I DON'T drool all over myself.)

This brings about the frugal point of my post. It is much less expensive to have good dental insurance, brush and floss regularly and have regular dental check-ups and cleanings, than to try to pay for dental damage that isn't caught soon enough. So remember that maintaining yourself is one of the best investments you can make! (Because if you don't maintain yourself, you will later want to give ANY amount of money to get your health back!)

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