Thursday, March 08, 2007

Environmental Small Steps - continue

I had sent my Environmental Small Steps to the Quakers, and had it published in their March newsletter. That was cool. I also had a Friend ask me to forward it on to her, so that the local Sierra Club could publish it also. That would make a much wider audience that has been able to see the small things that we've done here.

We don't hand wash our laundry, and we don't cut back to the point where we are causing hardships to ourselves, but we have made many steps to making the world a better place. Now if we could just get more people to realize that these steps are easy and sometimes fun to make... But that will come. I'm sure that not everyone will take the environmental steps, but more and more people will. As the cost of fuels goes up, conservation will happen, but it will have to get to a point where it hurts the wallet not to conserve. That is the key to the whole thing, I believe, make it sexy to conserve. When that happens, America and the rest of the world will go along. Until that day, I'm satisfied to make each day a little lighter on our Mother.

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