Saturday, September 08, 2007


I did some more garden work today. It was a beautiful day, and I decided to do some of the things that I've been meaning to do for a while. I went to the Southern States and picked up some more clover seed, and also some inoculate for beans and peas, and some more collards seeds. I also purchased 6 bales of straw. I am going to use the straw in my sheet mulching efforts, as well as mulching the leaves in this fall. With the straw on top of the leaves, they stay moist longer, and the worms like eating them when they are moist. Makes for excellent worm food.

So after I got home, unloaded the car, had some lunch, I was back outside. I harvested some onions (they were pretty small, due to the drought.) I also picked about a dozen roma tomatoes, and I spent about 40 minutes picking beans. I wound up with 2 gallon zip bags full to freeze, and a large tubby full for tomorrow's dinner. Wow! Lots of beans. It took almost an hour to get them all washed, snapped, packed and in the freezer! But we will be eating them well into the winter.

I have kale coming along nicely now. I have it planted on both sides of the house to see how well it does there. I didn't plant any out front this year, but will next spring.

Acorn squash. Those silly plants take up huge amounts of room! I was looking around them today and found 2 pretty big acorn squash on them. I hope there are more up in the flowers that I can't see right now. I'll wait until the flowers die back and the squash plants die back and then I'll just pick them up, and we will have some yummy squash for dinner one night.

I spent some more time watering the plants around the yard. This drought sure is keeping things from growing much, and watering them is a chore. I've almost emptied my water barrels again. I need rain to fill those barrels again because I've had to, gasp!, use the house water!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I haven't had to use house water to water yet but it has been really close at times! My rain barrel is almost empty right now. I have a lot less plants than you though.