Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring Meditations

Plant husbandry is easy for me. Taking care of the plants with a little water here, and a pluck of an unwanted tree seed there, and perhaps pulling the mulch back a bit so that the sun can get to the seedling a little better.
Just walking around my little gardens, and seeing how well everything seems to be growing. Amazing! Asparagus popping up, even though the plants are still smaller than a pencil around, so not big enough to eat... yet! Blueberry flowers, almost covered with bees. Seedlings popping up in holes all around. Flowers blooming. Squatting down next to the pond to watch the frogs sitting peacefully on the other side. Noticing the ripple of the water, and the sun reflecting from the edges of the ripple. 40-11 tomato volunteers trying to come up. Onions and shallots growing quickly. Some of the kale has gone to little yellow flowers that the bees are on also. Free seeds soon. Warm air gently drifting, making the bright green leaves on the trees dance merrily.

All of these things I notice, while letting my mind absorb them, and heal me from whatever stress or fatigue I have accumulated during the day.

Spring. Meditate. Enjoy life. Life is good. Spring life is good, because it reveals all of the sleeping wonder that winter's grip has hidden from view.

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