Sunday, December 09, 2007

Fall Mulching of the "Gardens"

I spent some time scattering 5 bales of straw over the front and side gardens this morning. It had rained last night, and the leaves were nice and wet from the rain and melted snow from last week. I thought it was the perfect time to get the straw down.

This is another of my "experiments". I'm trying to see if the straw holds in enough moisture to help the leaves decompose in place, rather than raking them up. Hopefully by spring the worms will have done their thing and the mulch will have black earth under it. I know it works in the forest, I'm just helping it along a bit with the straw. I'll let you know if it works. Next year.

Mary has been working on papers for school most of the weekend. but we had a lovely break yesterday. We went to a Friends wedding. Two of the elder Friends, who had each lost a spouse, found each other and fell in love earlier this year, and now have tied the knot. The wedding was "under care of Meeting," so it was very Quakerly. I was married in the same way, since Mary is a member of the Friends Meeting. The wedding was very simple. The meeting sits in silent worship for about 15 minutes, and when the spirit moves the couple, they rise, take each other's hand, and speak their vows. Most couples write their own vows, but some use a traditional format. They then exchange rings (if they want to) and then kiss. They sign the wedding certificate, and then sit back down and settle into silence. A member of their Clearness Committee then reads the certificate, and then sits down. At that time, Friends are welcome to rise and speak, saying whatever good wishes, thoughts, congratulations, or words of wisdom they want to share. It is a very powerful and uplifting ceremony. After everyone who wishes to speak has spoken, the clerk of the clearness committee then rises and closes the meeting. The couple leaves first, then the committee and finally the meeting rises. All who witnessed the wedding are asked to sign the certificate. And this takes some time, as there are many people who go to the weddings. That's a good thing! That was Saturday afternoon. All the best to Carol and Bill and as many happy times together as you have remaining. I'm so glad you found each other.

Other than that it has been a restful and peaceful weekend.

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