Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sanding Living room

So, I got started on the living room today. The rest of the stuff moved out, curtains taken down, and stored (Mary will wash them later), drop cloths put over sofa and love seat, and the sanding begun. It took about 3 hours to get ready to get the sanding started, and 2 1/2 hours to do the sanding. Yikes, the ol' right arm is really giving me what-for! The vibration of the sander really doesn't do my elbow very well. I have some pain, but will be taking some ibuprofen for it. That should help. I'm looking forward to getting the mudding started tomorrow after work. I hope to get at least half of it done tomorrow, and the other half done Tuesday. Then Wednesday sand again, and then repeat Thursday and Friday, with another round of sanding on Saturday. That will give me a couple of days to get whatever touch-ups need fixing for Sunday and MLK day.

I made soup for dinner. It was simmering while I was doing the sanding. Yummy!

Mary and I are just lounging around in the bedroom, since the living room is empty, and the family room has quite a bit of stuff in it.


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