Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

2006 has passed into history. It was a very good year for the Kniskern's and the Hokanson's. We got lots accomplished, had some sad times, and mostly happy times.

To all of my family and friends, may the world bring you wonderful challenges, joys and triumphs in the year to come.

Mary and I sat 3 of the kids down last night for a conversation on accomplishments of 2006, goals/dream for 2007 and what are you proud of? It was very enlightening to hear what each of the kids counted for accomplishments, what they are dreaming about, what goals they are setting, and what they are proud of. I'm so proud of each and every one of them. Each has his or her own personal journey through life, and each has taken a different path to learning. But overall, all the children are good.

Mary and I have listed our accomplishments in our blogs. We have been busy as the year went by.

Some of my short term goals: get the living room ready for Mary and crew to paint it. I have to repair cracks in the wall, pound in the nail-pops, mud over them and patch a crack in the ceiling and match the textured ceiling. As I told Mary this morning, I'm not looking forward to doing this project, but I am looking forward to getting it done! I believe we will be starting on it this week. Hopefully we can be done by the end of January.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Happy New Year!

Melissa, Kirk, Jessica, CC & KC