Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Taking care of neighbors

So the winter storm knocked several limbs down out of the trees. Our neighbors up the street are elderly, and he has a heart condition and can't work like he used to. So I mustered up the kids on Saturday morning, and we got a great deal of the limbs cut into firewood lengths and picked up. There was more to do after our initial 2 hours of work on Saturday, we had some more to do, so went back on Monday (kids and I had Presidents Day off.) We got it all done, and I brought the firewood back here and stacked it up. (They don't build fires anymore, and said we could have all we could carry!) Paul and Nancy were very surprised that we would do something like that for them without being asked.

Snow is melting now and we guess that the groundhog might have been right!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That was very nice of you guys looking out for your neighbors like that.