Monday, February 25, 2008

Quiet weekend at home

The weekend started with an inclement weather day on Friday. Since I'm on overhead (between contracts) for the company right now, I figured it just wasn't worth risking my life on the icy roads to go sit and hold down a chair for 8 hours, just to be there. So I called in ICE. That was Friday. The kids were home as well, as school was canceled, and Mary stayed home, since she had only one class that was an hour long, and couldn't justify driving in for 2 - 2 1/2 hours each way for an hour class. So we all stayed home and had a good day together.

Saturday was lovely too. Not much going on. Just reading and such. I just finished the Dan Millman book "Everyday Enlightenment". Dan is the author of "The way of the Peaceful Warrior". Everyday Enlightenment was about how to get the most from life, and I enjoy reading "self help" books sometimes, just to see if I'm on anywhere near the right path. I am. I am on the path that works for me, and for my family. I think that I've got the ability to get to that enlightenment, in just a little while longer. Now, if I could just convince my sub-conscience of that...

Sunday was nice, and I built a fire to relax by. I did some gardening work - staking fruit trees, and a bit of cleaning up. I split some more kindling, and tossed some wood chips down where the old ones have broken down into soil. I put some reminder sticks up around the new daffodils that are trying to come up. I'm getting that spring fever, so it must be getting close to time to get my seedlings started indoors.

I have lots of good ideas for the gardens this year. And if I fill up my freezer, I'll give away the surplus.

Peace and harmony!

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