Sunday, March 30, 2008

Have you heard of

Here is the link to

I must have asked this question about 100 times yesterday during the 2nd annual National Walk for Epilepsy.

You see, my brother-in-law created the website, after his son had over 300 seizures in one month. The paper log was crammed full, and it proved inadequate for the task. He searched online for a website that would allow him to track Evan's seizures, but the sites were either too difficult to use, or worse. So, he set out on a mission. He created, sponsored it, and worked for the past 6 or 8 months getting going.

Anyway, at the Epilepsy walk yesterday, Rob and Lisa had t-shirts printed up with the logo, and pamphlets also. So wearing the t-shirt and asking if people had heard of the site was what Mary and I did as we walked. We both talked to so many people, and most loved idea of the website. Some people just wanted to talk, so as that went on, we drifted back through the walk. Mary and I ran ahead to get to another bunch of folks that we hadn't talked with yet.

My starting question was always, "Have you heard of" And when they hadn't, I explained what it was, as I handed them the pamphlet. I then went into the back story of, "My nephew had over 300 seizures in one month, and my brother-in-law built the site to handle that large number. After he had it designed the way he thought it should be, easy to use, graphs for seizures, medications, and time, he put it online in a beta-version so that his wife could use it. Well, it got some critiques, and got better. Then it went live, and users had ideas for him to improve it. What came of all of that was a very easy to use, practical web-site that will let you log your seizures and medications, then email the information to your doctor. Oh, and graph everything for a easy picture to see if medications are having an effect. " That was what I started with. After all of that, most folks were eager to give it a try. Oh, and did I mention that it was FREE!? No charge, no advertising, just use it if you want to.

The Walk was pretty chilly, but the cherry blossoms were open, and lots of people were getting set up to fly kites on the mall.


Mary said...

Gee, James. . .That's a pretty good spiel! Where did you learn it?

I'm glad you were there to run through the crowd with me! It really was a beautiful day for a walk on the Mall.

Mama Lisa said...


Another HUGE thank you to you and Mary. We really appreciate all your PR efforts!

Love ya,