Saturday, September 23, 2006

Parents Visited!

We had Mom and Dad up to see us. They came up Wednesday and went back home this morning. They say they had a wonderful time, and so did we. It was good to be able to show them how much we have progressed both on the garden and the house. Dad said we were doing a fantastic job!

Dad brought us a bushel of apples from his trees and we've been eating, drying and cooking with them. Funny, since a coworker invited everyone out to his farm to pick all the free apples we wanted. So after Mom and Dad left this morning, we took the twins out and picked 3 bushels more! Dad's apples were much better than the other free ones, but free is free. So I'm making my first batch of apple butter, and will be drying another batch tonight too! Apple sauce and cinnamon apple chunks for the freezer are next. I have several apples that need to be used very soon, and some that can wait for a few days/weeks.

Also still working on the Blueberry bed. I want to get that finished.

Oh, Dad brought us a rooted cutting from a thorn-less blackberry bush, and we are going to plant it up somewhere in the yard this week.

Otherwise enjoying the twins with us!

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