Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

Well, I've cast my vote. There wasn't a single simple, vegan candidate, so I had to vote my conscience. I'll just hope that the stupid machines weren't tampered with, and that my vote really is going to come out like I put it in!

On to other things.

Life here is pretty good. Not much going on really. Eating, sleeping, working, repeat.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to build a windscreen that will have little "ears" on it that will keep the wind off my hands as I ride my scooter in the cold.
I've purchased very warm gloves, have snow pants, and wear lots of layers to keep warm. I even have a balaclava to keep my neck warm on those cold November mornings!
So far, it was raining or I had to do some extra driving during the day, so I haven't been able to try out my newest warm gloves, except on a weekend ride. It wasn't too cold then, so I'm really hoping that they will keep me warm.

The Hippo Hands that I bought from Canada did not fit my scooter, but I'm sure work fine on "real" motorcycles.

Oh, and Mom, I have been thinking about you! Love you!

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