Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Boxing Day driving Hell

I left early to go pick up Kyle. I figured I'd get to his house about 3, and we would get to C'burg around 7 ish. Boy was I wrong. Driving around our fair nation's capital is a nightmare, during the day. The traffic was stop and go from Telegraph Rd all the way to Fredericksburg. But by that time I was committed to that route. I think I won't be going that way again. I'll take 301.

Anyway it took us about 3 hours from DC to get down to pick up Kyle. We got Kyle at 5 and then had to drive from Fredericksburg to C'burg. Wow. Lucky for us, the ride was much easier after we got out of Fredericksburg.

Now I'm happily visiting with Mom and Dad, with 3 of the kids with us. Mary and Tori should be arriving today, since Mary wasn't feeling like driving yesterday. It must have been fate or some other sense that she had, she really wouldn't have enjoyed the drive yesterday. We had to take two cars since we have 6 people coming down, and only 5 would fit in either car...

Looking forward to visiting with Kirk, Melissa, Jessica and Granny. Mom says that Uncle Glenn could make an appearance too!

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